We are a part of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. For more information on what we believe go to our main denomination web page http://www.opc.org


We offer solutions to life’s greatest problems — what a bold claim! And there are a lot of problems: marriage problems, parenting problems, job problems, alcohol problems, moral problems.

At Covenant Presbyterian Church we truly believe that the Bible holds the answers to those problems and many more. We believe that there is a powerful, faithful, and personal God who has given us all the answers we need to live in this world. These answers are found in the Bible, which is His Word revealed to mankind for all time.

Please view the PowerPoint below for a clear presentation of the good news the Bible holds for us!


Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church – What does it mean?


The name “Covenant” is taken from the Bible. God describes His relationship with His people as a covenant. Our name says that God has not forgotten sinners but has acted. Knowing that sinners cannot save themselves, God acted in grace, giving what isn’t deserved and can’t be earned. “Covenant” declares to us God’s salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for sin. Our name is about God keeping His promises.


Orthodox means straight teaching and that’s what we believe about the Bible. It is straight and true. We believe the Bible is reliable, trustworthy and without mistakes. And we believe that biblical orthodoxy is accurately expressed in the teaching of the Protestant Reformation.


Presbyterian means that elders, men elected by the congregation, are responsible for the spiritual life of the congregation. We are a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, a denomination of over 200 congregations throughout North America. We hold as our statement of faith the historical Westminster Confession of Faith, which for centuries has been regarded by the Presbyterian Churches as an accurate summary of what the Bible teaches. We believe the historic Westminster Confession of Faith accurately summarizes what the Bible teaches.


The church isn’t a building, the church is the people whom God has redeemed from sin. The church proclaims the message of Jesus Christ and worships God through His name. The church cares for its people and encourages them in daily living as disciples of Christ.

Our church goals are:

1) To be a church that worships God in Spirit and truth, publicly and privately.

2) To have a clear and vibrant understanding of God’s covenant as the foundation of our faith, our identity as a church and our proclamation of God’s Word.

3) To be a church which is growing in our faith in Christ and in our loving obedience to the whole counsel of God, by means of the shepherding ministry of elders who minister the Word.

4) To proclaim the Gospel to the world around us so that many will be saved and become faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and thereby bring ever-increasing glory to the Grace of God in Christ Jesus.